As the first part of the game I created way back in 2013, the ship editor was easily the most naively designed and coded section of the game. My planned redesign of the interface in the never-completed Alpha 1.0 version addressed some of the problems, but the fix was only surface deep. Underneath the new […]
Shipyard Remake: Friendship ended with Java, now C++ is my best friend
by Jonah on June 30, 2018
When I started the original Shipyard, I only knew how to program in Java, a language which makes it very easy to slap together something basically functional but not particularly efficient. This was only exacerbated by my lack of experience. To pick one of many examples, the game’s graphics were done entirely with Java’s built-in […]
What Happened to Shipyard?
by Jonah on May 20, 2018
You may have noticed that this website hasn’t been awfully active lately, with only one off-topic post in 2017 and none this year. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which being poor overall mental health sapping my motivation to take care of myself at a basic level, let alone develop video games. I have, occasionally, still […]
I forgot to tell you I worked on another game too!
by Jonah on September 12, 2016
About half a year ago my friend Shayne and I made a text adventure game for a game design class we were both taking. It’s actually been available to play on at for most of that time but I never remembered to mention it or make a page for it… until now! Click here […]
Shipyard is now on!
by Jonah on June 5, 2016
Shipyard is now available to download on as well as this site! This isn’t an update, just an alternate way to acquire the game. You also have the option of adding a payment for the game. This is 100% optional but it motivates me to continue developing the game and helps me pay for college and […]
Shipyard Development News 4 May 2016: Weapon Changes v1 and Rebindable Keys
by Jonah on May 4, 2016
Bit of a short news today, just wanted to post something so it didn’t look like I’d vanished from the Earth once again. The basics of the weapon changes are now working: all systems have a (currently hard-coded) armor value which affects the damage they take from different weapon types. Kinetic weapons work with an […]
Shipyard Development News 4 April 2016 — Back From the Dead Edition
by Jonah on April 7, 2016
It’s been a long time. Like, a really long time. Like more than half a year. Yeah… Sorry about that. I can’t even say I’ve been especially active either. Between starting my first year at university and various other real-life engagements, as well as a general lack of inspiration, development of Shipyard has been at […]
Shipyard Development News 5 September 2015
by Jonah on September 5, 2015
It’s been a while since I posted a true development news–more than two months in fact–and it’s time to rectify that! Internal System Map One of the most important changes in the new update is also one of the most boring to explain. In the current version, a ship’s systems are stored in a one-dimensional list. […]
Shifting Focus
by Jonah on August 26, 2015
This isn’t a regular development news so much as a general rambling on my efforts as a game developer. I don’t expect everyone to read every word, so the important parts will be written in bold. Shipyard was released as a “tech demo” exactly two years ago today. Since then, its development has been a […]
Shipyard Development News 28 June 2015
by Jonah on June 28, 2015
I’ve been doing a lot of work on Shipyard over the past few days, and although Alpha 1.0 is still a long way away, I’m making progress much faster than I expected. First and foremost, I now have free-form versions of weapon controls, crew’s quarters, and cargo bays implemented. In the case of weapon controls, […]