Brass Watch Games

Category Archives: Game Development News

Shipyard: Outline for Alpha 1.0

by Jonah on April 24, 2015

Now that I’ve fixed my server troubles (or, at the very least, delayed the inevitable), I can get back to work on proper, content-adding updates for Shipyard. I’ve been giving it some thought, and I feel like it’s ready to proceed from the “pre-alpha” stage into the “alpha” stage. In a tradition that I started […]

Server Troubles: Two Months Later

by Jonah on January 31, 2015

The server problem which was preventing me from uploading Shipyard version 0.8.1a is, apparently, still an issue. I tried again to upload the update today (24 Jan. 2015) and it seems waiting for it to sort itself out isn’t going to help matters. It’s bad enough that this is occurring with a pure bug-fixing update […]

Shipyard Pre-Alpha 0.8.1a Hotfix Update

by Jonah on November 24, 2014

Someone found a bug in 0.8.1 whereby enemy ships could kill nonexistent crew, thereby causing a system to have a negative number of crew inside. This, in turn, would cause the system to be “negative repaired” by five times the number of anti-crew per turn. This would cause systems to have negative hitpoints, making them exponentially […]

Shipyard Pre-Alpha v0.8.1 Released

by Jonah on November 23, 2014

After more than five months of development, I’ve decided to release version 0.8.1. I finally made the decision to push shuttles back to a future update, as holding back 0.8.1 until they were finished would have meant another month or more without an update. Nevertheless, version 0.8.1 has plenty of new material to keep you going […]

Shipyard Dev News 22 Nov. 2014 — “Lesser of Two Evils” Edition

by Jonah on November 22, 2014

After going back over the features that still need to be completed for Shuttles to be ready to use, I’ve decided that there’s still a lot of work to do. I was hoping to have the update ready this weekend, but even if I worked around the clock to get shuttles implemented, the feature would still be […]

Shipyard Development News 9 Nov. 2014

by Jonah on November 9, 2014

I can finally say that I’ve actually made good progress on shuttles since my last post! I’m still far from finished, as I’ll explain below, but progress is actually happening. Here’s what I’ve done so far: There is one type of shuttle implemented: the Light Fighter. It can be sent to attack an enemy ship. After […]

Shipyard Development News 16 Oct. 2014

by Jonah on October 17, 2014

It’s officially been ages since I last posted anything here, so I figured it was about time I posted something. I’m going to be honest here: update 0.8.1 is coming along much more slowly than I’d hoped due to a combination of factors. The first is that, with school butting its way back into my life uninvited, […]